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Research reports have gone to suggest that entrepreneurs and small business owners work, on average, around 60+ hours per week. AutoMate conducted research and found that entrepreneurs could save about 15-20 hours of work each week by incorporating automation software into their business. By automating tasks such as sending recurring invoices, payment reminders, creating email campaigns and more, entrepreneurs will have more free time in their day.

The chart below demonstrates key technologies and their current growth and expected growth:

In the future, respectively in three years, Cloud computing has the highest actual and expected growth rate, with 34,7% and shortly followed by Business analytics with growth of 32,6%. Following of this there are the social media with 22,4%, the Business management software with 19,4% and Mobile with 17,5%.

It has already been shown that the topic of Cloud will play one of the important roles in the next few years. When engaging in the topic of Cloud computing common terms that often arise would be; SaaS (Software as a service), PaaS (Platform as a service) and IaaS (Infrastructure as a service).

It is expected that SaaS and PaaS will increase from the year 2015 with $8 bn to the year 2026 with $55 bn. The public Cloud IaaS is further expected to increase from the year 2015 with $25 bn to the year 2026 with $ 173 bn.

When evaluating them individually the following forecasts have been deduced:

In the sector of Cloud technology, the largest market share is expected to fall on the IaaS sub-sector. Over the years 2014 to 2020 revenue is expected to grow at a rate twice that of PaaS and SaaS.

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